Sunday, September 8, 2013


      During physics this year, I expect to learn many different and helpful things that will advance my knowledge in both the real world and in school. First, I expect to learn about gravity in regards to cars, sports, etc. Second, I would expect to learn about friction, and how that affects different forms of transportation throughout the world. Lastly, I expect to learn about momentum, specifically in sports like skating and biking. 
      I think studying physics is important for many different reasons. Generally speaking, I think that it is essential because it is how we understand how things act in the world. It also is important because it is a way in which we advance our knowledge and technology all around the world. Physics is also important for jobs like engineers, because they work extensively with technology. 
      Out of all the questions I have about physics, one of the most interesting to me is how the ocean's tides work. I have always been fascinated by the ocean, and I hope physics will help me understand this more in depth. Another question I have is how exactly gravity works, specifically dropping and throwing things. Lastly, I have always wondered how it is that credit cards work when you swipe them.
      During this year, my main goal is to always do my homework no matter what. Second, I hope to better prepare myself for tests and quizzes. My last goal in physics is to always help when doing group projects, and have my group members say I worked hard as well. 

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