Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Inertia Resource

      In this video, the concept of Inertia is demonstrated through an experiment called the egg drop. They first fill a glass with water, then put a small pan on top of that. Then they put a toilet paper roll sideways with an egg on top, and the challenge is to see if you can knock the pan away and have the egg fall into the water without breaking.
      In this demonstration, there are many things that are helpful in understanding the term inertia. First of all, he clearly explains that an object will stay at rest until a force acts upon it. This is part of Isaac Newton's first law, and I find that this particular video shows it very precisely. I found the part towards the end of the video very helpful, because he uses five eggs at the same time, but inertia causes all of the eggs to stay where they are and fall into each of their cups.

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